The highly anticipated anime adaptation of The Lord of the Rings, titled The War of the Rohirrim, has just released its first trailer. This exciting film, set to hit theaters later this year, focuses on the early history of Rohan, the kingdom featured in Tolkien’s epic world.
The War of the Rohirrim Hits Theaters on December 13
Directed by Kenji Kamiyama, The War of the Rohirrim is set 261 years before the events of the original trilogy. As the title suggests, the story centers around the people of Rohan, known as the Rohirrim. Helm’s Deep, the massive fortress central to the Battle of the Hornburg in The Two Towers, plays a significant role in this new film. The main character is the legendary King of Rohan, Helm Hammerhand, whose saga is briefly referenced in The Lord of the Rings.
Brian Cox to Voice Helm Hammerhand
Renowned actor Brian Cox, best known for his recent role in Succession, will lend his voice to the iconic character Helm Hammerhand. Additionally, Miranda Otto, who portrayed the Rohan princess Éowyn in the original Lord of the Rings trilogy, will reprise her role as the narrator of this story.